
Showing posts from August, 2023

Interrogation and Negation Practice

Interrogation and Negation Practice PRACTICE: Change the statements into interrogation: 1. They are going to the park. 2. He was reading a book. 3. The concert starts at 7 PM. 4. They have finished their homework. 5. It didn't rain yesterday. Change the statements into negation: 6. He is coming to the party. 7. The weather will be nice tomorrow. 8. John knows how to swim. 9. They always order pizza. 10. Suzuki knows something. Bonus: 11. John knows everyone. Show/Hide Answer "Are they going to the park?" / "Where are the going?" "What was he doing?" "When does the concert start?" /"What time does the concert start?" "Have they finished their homework?" "Did it rain yesterday?" "He is not coming to the party." "The weather will not

Transitional Words and Phrases Practice

Transitional Words and Phrases Practice PRACTICE: Choose the most appropriate word. 1. First and foremost, we need to address the main issue. in addition to first and foremost meanwhile on the other hand 2. In addition to his skills, he also has a strong work ethic. in addition to first and foremost meanwhile on the other hand 3. On the other hand, some people believe that technology has its downsides. in addition to first and foremost meanwhile on the other hand 4. Meanwhile, let's move on to the next topic. meanwhile furthermore in contrast to therefore 5. Therefore, it is essential to consider all the options before making a decision. meanwhile furthermore

Subordinating Conjunctions Practice

Subordinating Conjunctions Practice PRACTICE: Choose the most appropriate word. 1. _____ the rain stopped, we went for a walk. although because since after 2. She was well-prepared for the exam, _____ she studied all night. although because since after 3. _____ it was late, they decided to continue the meeting. although because since after 4. They arrived late to the party, _____ the traffic was heavy. although because since after 5. _____ you finish your homework, you can't watch TV. whether unless as soon as because 6. The students will line up for dismissal, _____ the bell rings. w

Coordinating Conjunctions Practice

Coordinating Conjunctions Practice PRACTICE: Choose the most appropriate word. 1. The sun was shining, _____ the birds were singing. or and yet but 2. You can have cake, _____ you can have ice cream for dessert. or and yet but 3. He's not only a talented musician, _____ he's also an excellent painter. yet or but and 4. She enjoys playing soccer, _____ she's never tried basketball. yet or but and 5. They worked hard, _____ they achieved their goals. for nor yet so 6. He didn't like the movie, _____ did he enjoy the book it was based on. for nor